Welcome to my very first blog post! I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so I am going to start off by playing a game. You get to ask me 10 questions! Ready? GO!
1.What are your secret skills?
You mean other than my ability to spend all of my money in .02 seconds?
No, but seriously it's true I love to spend money (when it's not mine) but I have a great skill of finding coupons for almost anything. I refuse to pay full price for something, so finding coupons makes me justify purchasing items. It's a gift, truly. I may not be great at it, but I also love party planning. I have an eye for party decorations, and can DIY just about anything! Pinterest, I love you <3
2. What was your favorite childhood toy?
This is a hard one! I just have to pick one?
If I have to choose one I think I choose the life size barbie I got for Christmas when I was 6. That was my homegirl, for real. Her hair was so long and shiny I loved her. That's until my little sister decided she wanted to play cosmetologist on her. I came home one day to find her with a crooked bob, bangs, and purple highlights. You can only imagine my fury, but my little sister and I created so many great memories with Miss Barbie.
3. What would you grab if your house was on fire?
My dogs! Duh! I have an 10-year old Shih Tzu named Robin and a 4-year old poodle mix named Bailey <3
4. What is your destination for the trip of your dreams?
Bora Bora for sure! I get wanderlust when I watch Desi Perkins and Lustrelux on YouTube, and quite jealous to be completely honest. But, hopefully one day I will be able to vacation there. Meanwhile, I really want to road trip around the U.S. My top 3 U.S. destinations: New York, Colorado, and Washington.
5. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
This is a really good one. Although I would love to say that I would move anywhere in an instant, I'd be 100% lying. I have lived in my home for more than half of my life, and I dread the day that I have to leave my childhood home behind. Like Dorothy says, "there's no place like home."
6. What does your name mean?
Although my name is a pretty common one, I've always felt unique because mine is spelled with 2 n's and 1 s. Anyways, my name is Greek for butterfly.
7. Do you speak any other language?
Si. Soy orgullosa de ser Salvadoreña. Hablo el español fluentamente, pero necesito practicar escribir en español. (I hope I didn't mess any of that up haha) For my non-spanish speakers, the above is a secret you'll never know! *evil laugh* :p
8. What are your favorite TV shows?
HTGAWM for sure!! I also watch Grey's Anatomy religiously. I am also currently watching Jane the Virgin, Empire, and New Girl.
9. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Oh, you know, just fly around the world in my private jet with no destination whilst sipping on a mimosa and having my mani and pedi done by my personal nail technicians. We can all dream, right?
10. What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
How to buy a house! How to build credit! How to love yourself! How to be a good citizen in your society! I could go on and on and on.
I hope that these were fun for you to read and that you got to know me a little better! I am really looking forward to writing more and sharing my personal style with you. Thank you for reading! <3